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  • Virginie Levine

A postpartum plan, why?

In this blog post, we share our definition of what a postpartum plan is and how creating one can help you model and support your vision all along your pregnancy.

Creating a postpartum plan
Start Where You Are

There is so much to think about. You are approaching your 30 weeks, and you are now feeling baby moving; you get some pain in your lower back and hips, and you are a bit more tired.

At the same time, you are totally focused on your birth process. Do we want a hypnobirth? A home birth? You are touring your hospital and making somewhat of your birthing to-do list. While you are preparing your baby shower and registry, things are becoming very real.

I am your catalyst in your unfolding story. What if I were to say, face-to-face with a cup of herbal tea (caffeine-free): "Lisa, have you thought of the things you and your baby might need after your birth, coming back home?" You would look at me with surprise or semi-surprised and answer: "Yes, our registry is coming along well. We have thought of the nursery, which is almost complete, cute PJs and outfits, car seat and stroller..." I am listening to Lisa, and I am rejoicing to her excitement while she is giving me her list with details. The registry, I think is a great start. It helps establish the things we will need to answer for the basic needs and safety of baby-to-come.

Our definition of the postpartum plan is a more in-depth ideal of the list of things, techniques, and people who will be involved in the care and support of the birthed parents and newborn baby. A postpartum plan is a personalized, written, and well-thought guideline that will help you navigate the uncertainties of the 4th trimester and beyond. Do you know the saying? "It takes a village to raise a child;" it really is. There is no such thing to be and do it all without help. In our modern lives, an expat from our origin country (like me) or hometown, we have to re-construct our family-nucleus with neighbors, friends, or professionals. This is a healthy way to create a support system that will fit your lifestyle.

Today, I am writing this post, because as a postpartum partner, I would love to share some guidance in creating your own __ a more complete plan. I will announce shortly on our Facebook Page, our NEW online-video course on the topic. Meanwhile, get started!

Activity exercise

Sit comfortably with a pen and a journal and close your eyes. Focus on your breath and direct your mind on some predictable situations you will encounter with your baby. For example

Giving baby some basic care

Breastfeeding her

Needing some primary care yourself ( we always tend to forget this one): a shower, some snacks or meals, breastfeeding support, skin care, natural recovery, etc

Organizing your home for more functionality

Visits or no visits during that period

You name it!

It doesn't matter if you are all over the place at first.

Go ahead! Write down everything that passes your mind in the process. As you can see this is the start of fun brainstorming sessions with your partner. I am excited to be part of this and that this post will trigger something for you.

Activity Advice

After jotting your ideas down, organize them by topics and theme. Use a combination of colored pens to make your list fun, appealing, and clear. How are you doing? Did you have fun? Repeat this creative writing alone and with your partner and engage together. This plan is the beginning of a great communication tool, you are creating it. It will become your house-rule, your parenting style. Can you see where this is going?


Our consulting services are tailored to your needs and happen in your home or over the phone, with you and your partner. Breastfeeding, Nursery Set-up, Newborn Care, Postpartum Mother Care, Green lifestyle, and more! Contact us

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